If you're ever experiencing problems with the app, we encourage you to try each of the basic troubleshooting steps below before contacting our Support team:

  • Uninstall the app, restart your device, install the app again (this will usually resolve most issues!)
  • Make sure your Radish app is updated to the latest version 
  • Make sure that you have stable internet connection
  • Make sure that the date and time on your device are correct
  • Force stop and then reopen the app
  • Log out of your app and log back in

Having issues with a coin purchase? Head here!

Tried all of the above or have another problem?

Please email support@radishfiction.com with the following information:

  • What is the error you are encountering? (Elaborate on the steps you took and what you've seen, including screenshots whenever possible)
  • Date and Time of defect:
  • Radish Username:
  • Device Name:
  • OS (Operating System):
  • If the issue is regarding a payment, please also include the invoice you received directly from the App Store or Google Play (we cannot accept bank statements or PayPal statements). You can learn more about finding your invoice here.