It's important to verify your email address as soon as you create your Radish account. This will prevent you from running into any issues with your account in the future (like accidentally creating multiple accounts).

When you first sign up for Radish, you'll receive an email asking you to verify your email address. Please don't skip this step! Make sure to open the email and click the pink button that says "Click to verify your email."

⚠️You do not need to respond to this email, since Radish isn't able to verify your account -- for privacy reasons, this can only be done on the user's end.

If the link has expired by the time you click the button in your welcome email, no worries! You can resend a link to yourself! Just follow these quick and easy steps:

  1. In the app, tap the Library button in the bottom right corner
  2. Tap Settings in the top right corner 
  3. Tap Account Settings. From there, you’ll be able to find the Resend Email button.
  4. You'll receive an email asking you to verify your email address. Make sure to click the button in that email!