Oh no! We're sad to hear you want to delete your account with us ?

If you are experiencing any issues with Radish, feel free to contact support@radishfiction.com to let us know what’s up -- there may be something we can do to help!

If you're sure you'd like to delete your account, please be sure your app has been updated to a recent version before you proceed to the following steps:

  • Navigate to your Library and tap the grey Settings button in the top right corner.
  • Tap Account Settings and then Delete Account at the bottom of the screen.
  • Once your account is deleted, all of your information (including your remaining coins and purchase history) will be permanently removed. If you wish to move forward with the deletion of your account, tap the pink Check Now button to receive an email to complete the process.

You will receive an email as a final security check to make sure you're certain you really want to say goodbye. Please note that a deleted account cannot be recovered after choosing "Delete My Account" in the email.

If you'd like to come back at any point in the future, we'd be more than happy to have you!

⚠️ For privacy reasons, users must delete their own accounts.