What is serial fiction?

Serial Fiction is fiction that is released in installments - so new episodes released daily or weekly. Though this type of fiction was popularized back when Charles Dickens was first publishing, you can think of it like a TV Show where you watch the story unfold in weekly episodes. 


Why serialize?

Serial Fiction helps authors tell stories that keep readers absorbed and always looking forward to the next episode release - with cliff-hangers, big reveals, and snappy episodes that keep the action coming constantly.

When authors serialize, they bring their fans back on a regular cadence to read more and see how the story unfolds. 

Radish is optimized for serializing stories - we make it easy to upload your entire story and set a schedule for when new episodes automatically release. 

Though, if you prefer to release your story in bulk all at once you may! We’ve laid out some recommendations to help you choose the best way to tell your story on Radish.


What are Radish’s recommendations for serializing?

Length of your story matters! If you have a shorter story - we recommend releasing the story in bulk and publishing all of the episodes at once for your fans to binge. Is your story at least 50 episodes? Then it is a great candidate for serializing.

Pacing of your story. If your plot moves quickly, with great cliffhangers and exciting endings to your episodes that leave readers wanting more, then we recommend serializing! This sort of story keeps readers coming back every time they get a notification that you’ve published a new episode.

If your story starts a bit slower to build the mood & the setting? No worries - you can publish the slower-paced episodes first and then set the rest of the story to serialize.

Release schedule. The release schedule for your story is critical. We recommend releasing new episodes at minimum two times a week. Most of the top stories on Radish release anywhere from 3 times a week to every single day. When your story is addictive, you shouldn’t leave your readers waiting too long for new episodes!

Release enough episodes to get readers hooked. When you release a new story that you’re planning to serialize, we recommend publishing multiple episodes in bulk first. This will help new readers get into your story (if they have 20 episodes to binge first) and ensure they are hooked and excited for all of the new episodes that are released.  


If you have any additional questions for us about how to set your story up for success on Radish, reach out to our Writer Success Team! Happy publishing!