'Current Reads' Stories
Go to your Library > Current Reads to see stories that you've recently viewed. Click on the Edit button to delete stories from your recent list. You can sort this shelf in the following ways:
  1. Last viewed
  2. Last updated
  3. A to Z
  4. Z to A
  5. Notifications Prioritized
'Read Later' Stories
To save a story to your Library for later, click on the Bookmark located on the top right of the story cover. This saves the story to your Library > Read Later section. You can adjust this list by clicking the Edit button. To change the order of your 'Read Later' stories, you can sort them by:
  1. Last Added
  2. A to Z
  3. Z to A


'Archived' Stories

If you have finished a story and want to remove it from your 'Current Reads' or 'Read Later shelves, you can move it to your 'Archived' shelf. This will not delete the story, but will keep it nearby in case you want to reread in the future!


Deleting Stories
If you would like to remove a story from any of your Library Shelves, click on Edit button > select the story > choose Delete.
Managing Your Notifications
To turn on all of your notifications, go to Library > Settings > Click the 'Notification' switch. You can have all of your notifications on or exclude the Radish LIVE updates. These push notifications will let you know when a story in your Library has opened a new chat.
You can also turn manage your notifications under the 'Current Reads' shelf in your Library. Here, you can choose which individual stories you want to receive push notifications for. By picking your favorite stories, you'll reduce the number of notifications you get in a day without missing out on any Coin Events or Challenges! 
I see the story, but why can't I open the episode(s)?
In rare circumstances, a writer may discontinue or remove their story from Radish. If a story is no longer available, it may still be visible in your Library, though you will not have access to episodes you did not purchase.